Tomekkids’s Weblog

updates from the mountains

Kerri’s pictures September 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — tomekkids @ 7:47 pm

I have some updated pictures of Kerri.


Clayton’s new hairdo

Filed under: Uncategorized — tomekkids @ 12:13 pm

Clayton decided he wanted a change this year, he wanted highlights and a different hair cut. Here is a picture of the results.


Here are some more pictures of Anthony and Amber.

Keep in touch and I’ll send more soon, Carmen is going with pink highlights, I will send a picture as soon as she gets them.


updates September 4, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — tomekkids @ 3:34 pm

kerri without glasses
kerri without glasses
carmen chillin
carmen chillin

devin and annette showin the love

anthony and amber

anthony and amber

clayton playing xbox live

clayton playing xbox live

Well where should we start,  another school year has started.  Anthony is now 16 years old and has his driver’s licenses he is a junior in high school this year.  He is working at Shawnee Springs Fruit Market and has a girlfriend named Amber.  Kerri is 13 years old and is one of the big dogs of her school this year. This is her last year of Middle School. Kerri no longer has to wear her glasses, her seizure medications have improved her eye sight.  Carmen and Clayton are now 10 years old and for the first time have been separated this year.  Carmen is happy about this but on the other hand Clayton is  little bit worried.  They are both still involved in bible bowl at their church.  They are definitelybecoming their own person now.  As for Devin and I we are still enjoying being newlyweds. We are both still working at the hospital.  We didn’t do much this summer with everyone working different shifts but hopefully we will be able to go back to visit everyone in Florida in a couple years.